This forum inside Buddhi Kanya, will spawn into a web tool that also forms the backend of other Web Applications. The requirement of this tool is to be a Language Translator which can translate words into different languages specializing in domain specific words and phrases (farming, construction, electrical etc.)
There needs to be a strong assimilated intelligence element instead of just artificial intelligence, because each domain has very unique technical words and phrases that Actual Humans need to help sort and teach the artificial intelligence programs. Some of these words may not translate very well and quorum based (via the forum) group consensus is needed for such phrases - in specific domains and in each language.
One must note, that from education to expression of ideas for industrial and entrepreneurial exchanges - one has to encourage peoples regional languages. We must not forget that the vast majority of Indians (or people of the whole world) actually think in their own mother tongue for their formative years.
Suddenly asking them to express more intricate concepts in a common popular or common language, is what stifles genius and creativity.
Countries like France, Germany and Japan have proven that genius can be better expressed if one allows students to communicate for education - primary and technical - and also Work, in their own mother tongue.
With regard to developing nations like India, we are sitting on a gold mine of potential innovation and creativity and enterprise, provided we do not always expect the final mile execution and communication to be in a Common or Popular language for the sake of collaboration.
The SKAI Ayesha tool will fill that gap. Different languages covered Subject by Subject (education level) and Domain by Domain (Technical and vocational training as well as Work and Governance Collaborations).
This will suddenly enable the rural and urban masses( who often think and work only in English) to collaborate more efficiently and Developing nations can truly unlock their potential for stability, creativity and transformation.
Versions of SKAI Ayesha codes will also power other applications like SKAI Ishani.